Stay healthy, balanced and happy at home with advice from some of the Anantara Spa wellness experts, who have their pulse on all things related to self-care.
Dr. Gopal Govindasamy, Master of Wellness at Anantara Rasananda, Koh Phangan Villas, Thailand is a naturopathic doctor and yoga expert with expertise in Ayuverda, wellness, nutrition and lifestyle, who recommends eating light, simple healthy food so as not to burden the digestion, as well as staying hydrated with room-temperature mineral water – no fizzy or energy drinks. In addition, keep up a daily exercise routine with some light yoga or Tai Chi for 45-60 minutes.

Galina Antoniuk, Spa Director at Anantara the Palm Dubai Resort, United Arab Emirates, advocates overall wellbeing by maintaining a routine, using the time you would be commuting for some home fitness, and eating as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible to maintain a strong immune system. Start the day by drinking the juice of half a lemon squeezed into some warm water, and end the day with a relaxing warm bath to calm body, soul and mind.
Other Anantara spa experts recommend meditation and good sleep, both of which are renowned for relieving stress and tension and boosting both the mood and health. Meditation, in particular, calms the mind, can reduce blood pressure, improves focus and helps you to function better throughout the day. Follow @anantaraspawellness for more tips.