Bloody Mary

Bloody Mary

A classic pre-brunch vodka-based aperitif, the Bloody Mary also has a reputation as the staple morning-after cocktail. For some, it’s a nutritious hangover cure, and, packed with fresh tomato juice, chunks of celery, pepper and with a spicy tabasco and Worcester sauce edge, it certainly packs a wake-up punch. For others, it’s a long standing beachside and sundowner favourite.

The Bloody Mary has hundreds of variations, but the original harks back to 1934 when Fernand Petiot, the bartender at The St. Regis New York’s King Cole Bar, created a recipe he dubbed the Bloody Mary. The name was considered a bit too for racy for the hotel’s nouveau riche clientele, so it was renamed the Red Snapper, for a while at least. The Bloody Mary remains a signature St. Regis cocktail and each hotel boasts its own locally inspired concoction, such as the Padi Mary in Singapore and the Bali Mary in Bali.

Any mixologist worth his salt offers a take on this classic, but it’s also one to enjoy at home as the classic recipe is easy to follow. Add a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco along with salt and pepper to a highball glass. Pour in vodka, lemon and tomato juice, add ice and stir gently. Garnish with a celery stalk and wedge of lemon, then serve.

Exquisite Taste September – November 2019

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