Maria Sukrisman

Maria Sukrisman

With an unrivalled passion for travelling, Maria Sukrisman has made trotting the globe her life. An influential figure both in the tourism world and the business scene, she shared how the current situation has changed her routine and how she’s staying positive at home.  

Q: How has the stay-at-home situation changed your daily life?
A: This experience is a great challenge, but I’m already used to remote meetings. Right now, I am just accepting things and the conditions as they are, hoping for a better future, and for a speedy recovery from this global pandemic.

Q: What activities do you like to do now that you have to stay at home more?
A: I usually plan my day after some light exercise. I have discovered that cooking is interesting, so now I try to make a new dish every day to broaden my horizons. By doing this, my calorie intake is under control and my food is healthier. Listening to and learning from podcasts by inspirational speakers appeals to me for personal growth, happiness and success.

Q: Please share your tips on what to do to stay positive at home.
A: Appreciate the small things and be grateful all the time. Have more meaningful conversations with family and friends. Make others happier and share good fortune without going out too often. It is important to maintain a certain engagement level with your community by participating in WhatsApp groups and video calls. Besides eating healthier food, it is fun to learn something new in a digital space, like photo and video editing.

Q: Do you have any tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle?
A: Eating and doing the right things for your body, mind and soul. I manage to exercise daily and monitor my progress. Prior to this, at sunrise, I pray and meditate.

Q: Since you have to stay at home more, what do you miss most from normal life?
A: Besides going to the office, travelling and shopping in the malls, I really miss meeting face-to-face with my friends and clients for meals or coffee in my favourite cafés and restaurants.

Q: What is the first country you want to visit after the quarantine is over and why?
A: I want to re-visit New Zealand. The country has been able to exit from this global pandemic more quickly than other countries. It has beautiful nature and also offers a healthy lifestyle, from great outdoor adventures to healthy local cuisine. Spending time in nature can reduce stress, improve overall feelings of wellbeing and happiness. I can relax and be worry-free.



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