Bumi Aki Signature Sentul is a newly established culinary destination in Sentul, Bogor. It celebrates Indonesian cuisine’s rich and diverse flavours, and offers a unique, unforgettable dining experience, encapsulating the essence of “The True Celebration of Indonesian Recipes.”
The restaurant showcases culinary innovation with its thoughtfully curated menu, which features a harmonious blend of signature dishes from across the archipelago. From the tender Steak Rembiga and aromatic Sate Nusantara to the zesty Salmon Nyat-Nyat, comforting Empal Gentong Cirebon and flavour-packed Udang Bakar Ketumbar, every dish tells a story.
Bumi Aki Signature, founded in 1987, is part of the esteemed Bumi Aki Group. The restaurant is a shining example of culinary brilliance, demonstrating that Indonesian food can definitely compete with the best in the world. By combining authentic flavours with inventive presentation and a private setting, Bumi Aki Signature Sentul ensures a memorable meal that will make your culinary adventures last a lifetime.
Exquisite Taste Volume 46
Bumi Aki Signature Sentul
Citaringgul, Sentul City
Bogor 16810, Indonesia
T: (+62) 81370006531
W: bumiaki.com
IG: @bumiaki.signature