Yutaka Nakashima

Yutaka Nakashima

Yutaka Nakashima

Founder & CEO of Koda

E: What are your responsibilities? 

A: At Koda we take our cocktails very seriously. Here I play the role of curator and conductor. I source the finest ingredients, work closely with our talented bartender, Kumara, to develop unique, bespoke libations, and ensure that each drink is a symphony of flavours, a true testament to the art of Japanese craft bartending. 

E: What’s a typical day like in your field of work? 

A: At the heart of Koda is dedication. A typical day might involve interacting with our regulars, making them feel welcome and providing them with a unique experience. It might also involve connecting with other bar owners or people in the hospitality industry, exchanging ideas and building a strong network. It’s about creating that special atmosphere where passionate people can connect and appreciate the art behind every cocktail we serve. 

E: Team player or team leader? 

A: Koda is very much a team effort. Sure, I make some of the final decisions, but the magic happens when everyone contributes their talents and works together. It is this team spirit, fuelled by our dedication, that makes Koda what it is. 

E: Name one really special thing about Koda. 

A: One of the defining aspects of Koda is our commitment to creating bespoke cocktails. Whether you have a flavour profile in mind, a favourite spirit, or your mood, I will use my expertise to create a unique bespoke drink just for you. 

E: The most important trait to have in your work? 

A: Running Koda requires a unique blend of characteristics. On one hand, there is a deep seriousness and dedication to the craft and technique. We source quality ingredients, meticulously refine our recipes and strive to deliver a flawless experience. It also takes patience to understand our guests’ preferences, create bespoke cocktails and ensure a comfortable atmosphere. 

E: Most memorable moment of your career? 

A: There are certainly two that stand out. Firstly, the decision to leave Japan for the first time many years ago was a turning point. It was scary and exciting, but it opened my eyes to new possibilities and laid the foundation for everything we have achieved in Koda. And secondly, the very first day Koda’s doors opened was truly an unforgettable moment in my career. 

E: Tell us one thing about yourself that not many people know.

A: Many people will be surprised to learn that I am a bit of an introvert. While I love interacting with our customers and our team, I also recharge my battery by spending time quietly reading or thinking. The time for myself allows me to process information and come up with creative solutions for the recipes behind Koda’s cocktails. 

Exquisite Taste Volume 44

IG: @koda.jakarta

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