Sudestada is more than just a steakhouse – it’s an experience. Snugly located below and between the high-rise buildings of Thamrin and Menteng, the restaurant serves authentic Argentinian cuisine with a focus on the asado-style barbecue. Stepping into the brick and steel building already feels like a trip to Buenos Aires with the vintage decorations and architecture. Murals, painted glass, photographs, paintings and posters adorn the walls, with extra pizzaz from items such as polo equipment or a patterned poncho.
Founded and led by Chef Victor Taborda, Sudestada’s menu highlights its extensive grilled meats from the charcoal parilla. A smorgasbord of delectable steaks ranges from appetisers such as matambre and lengua, to house specialties like chuleton, rib-eye, T-bone, short ribs and picana. That’s not all, though. More luscious offerings include the Argentine-style pizzas, empanadas, house-made sausages, as well as various sandwiches, rice and pasta dishes. A visit to Sudestada is definitely an experience.

Exquisite Taste Volume 39
Jalan Irian No. 18
Jakarta 10350, Indonesia
T: (+62) 213928944